Central Nervous System

Patient behavior and the drivers of vertigo treatment adherence

Non-adherence factors may be organized into five categories: socioeconomic, health care team and system-related, disease-related, therapy-related, and patient-related. Behavioral drivers of non-adherence are both intentional and unintentional. Despite extensive research, no single model has yet been shown to be highly accurate in predicting patient adherence. Treatment adherence offers a significant opportunity for improved outcomes Characterizing…

The impact of non-adherence to therapies for vertigo: Higher costs and poorer outcomes

Medication non-adherence is widespread and annual cost estimates for developed countries total $290 billion in the US and €1.25 billion in Europe. Vertigo is a significant burden for patients and providers alike, particularly because patients tend to seek emergency care when symptoms are acute.  Small improvements in adherence could significantly improve symptom management and reduce costs. Treatment…

Patient adherence: An opportunity for improving outcomes

The rapid increase in vertigo disease determinants such as ageing are transforming healthcare needs in developing countries. Medications are effective disease management solutions, but low treatment adherence is widespread. Non-adherence rates reflect a significant opportunity to improve vertigo treatment outcomes in developing countries. Physicians can use a number of simple and efficient strategies to increase…