The a:care Congress 2022 is an evolution of our inaugural program in 2021, which takes a deeper look at the underlying drivers of non-adherence. Below, you can find the India satellite recorded sessions delivered by our faculty experts on the two days of the Congress. The recordings of the Congress’ 22 Global sessions are available here

Welcome and congress introduction – Indian satellite

Dr. Shashank Joshi opens the Congress India Chapter introducing the agenda and the sessions for the 2-day discussions.

Dr. Shashank Joshi

Expert opinion on challenges, Myths & realities of medication adherence

To understand adherence, its of crucial importance to be aware of burden of non adherence, barriers to medication adherence, economic impact of non adherence and facilitators to improve adherence – which Dr. Joshi focusses on to address the challenge in multiple ways.

Dr. Shashank Joshi

Panel Discussion

Panel of specialists discusses the reasons of low adherence in their therapies, how app and AI technologies can bring a change in the current scenario, the role of healthcare professionals, caregivers and lifestyle coach in compliance and the overall societal impact of non adherence. A dialogue between doctors and pharmacists, more of a therapeutic alliance is necessary which is missing in India. Over medication is also a peculiar challenge of non-adherence.

Dr. Ajay Kumar, Dr. Peeyush Jain, Dr. Banshi Saboo


Dr.Shashank Joshi sets the context of how its important to move from treating diseases to treating people. He introduces the speaker and expert panel

Dr. Shashank Joshi

Physician’s perspective on strategic interventions to improve medication adherence

53% diabetics are non adherent in India hence its of utmost importance for healthcare professionals to have in-clinic interventions to build on treatment efficacy. Dr. Vora explains of S.I.M.P.L.E method for improving adherence

Dr. Agam Vora

Panel discussion

Panel of therapy specialists discusses the methods and impact of adhrence in critcial conditions of asthama, epilepsy etc. Dr. Sarita Bajaj talks about a patient centric approach for adherence through a framework EASE: Empathetic approach, Ailment for disease management, Supportive care for symptomatic treatment, Emotional wellbeing and effective patient education.

Dr. Shyam Sundar, Dr. P Satish Chandra, Dr. Sarita Bajaj

Closing Congress Day 1 – India Satellite

Closing by Dr. Shashank Joshi

Dr. Shashank Joshi


The Day 2 Panel discussions focus on sharing reflections from 8th October. All regional chairs (including India chair Dr. Joshi) come together to exchange key highlights of the previous sessions- including practices that could be applied in clinical settings ,enable HCPs to put these in-clinic solutions into practice, and help increase adherence as a public health priority.


This panel discussion aimed to identify and catalyze awareness of adherence as a public health priority. The experts including Dr. Joshi exchanged ideas on the same considering the respective regional challenges and priorities.


1. McClellan M, Brown N, et al. Call to action; Urgent Challenges in Cardiovascular Disease. Circulation. 2019;139:e44-54
2. Greer Joseph, Amoyal Nicole, et al. A Systematic Review of Adherence to Oral Antineoplastic Therapies. The Oncologist 2016;21:354-376.
3. Sabaté E, editor. Adherence to long-term therapies: evidence for action. World Health Organization; 2003. ​
4. Egan BM., Kjeldsen SE.  et al. The global burden of hypertension exceeds 1.4 billion people. Journal of Hypertension. 2019: 37(6):1148-1153.​

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